Working With Readers

Strategic Readers’ Services: A Complete Plan (107)

*️⃣ This course will take the average learner about 6 hours total to complete. It contains all self-paced lessons that learners can complete at their own pace, anytime.

*️⃣ This course is for anyone who is a practitioner of readers’ advisory, or RA. Use this self-guided toolkit to develop your own finished readers’ advisory strategic plan, which you can share with your administration. When you complete this course, you'll be empowered to advocate for readers' advisory services and guide your own RA work in these uncertain times.

Group rates are available:
20% off for 3-25 seats
30% off for 25-49 seats
40% off for 50-99 seats
Ask us if you need more than 100 seats.

This course is also available as part of our subscription offerings for libraries and consortia. For group rates or subscription package options, please contact us at

*️⃣ Example learning outcomes include:
- Creating a strategic plan for readers' advisory that is connected to your library's overall mission.
- How to reimagine the readers' advisory model.
- Creating a plan to train your staff for readers' advisory.
- Implementing formulas to ensure your library's budget can support your plan.
- Tips for presenting your plan to senior leaders and stakeholders.

*️⃣ Course format: You have 24/7 access to this course, and it can be completed at your own pace. This course offers six broad lessons with multiple small units in them. Lectures are presented in video format and include closed captions. You will have automatically graded quizzes and assignments to assess your learning level, but there is no final class grade. Complete each lesson to receive your course completion certificate.

*️⃣ Course instructors:
This course is instructed by NoveList Advisors Stephanie Chase and Kaite Stover. Chase is the Founding Principal of Constructive Disruption, the Executive Director of the Libraries of Eastern Oregon, a current Public Library Association Board of Directors member, and one of the founding members of LibraryReads. She has worked in libraries, mostly as a director, for more than 20 years, and has a long-time love for and focus on readers’ advisory. Stover is Director of Readers’ Services for the Kansas City Public Library and a founding member of LibraryReads. She is in her second year as an ALA Councilor and is the co-editor of The Readers’ Advisory Handbook. Stover began working in libraries in 1986 and has focused her career on promoting library collections and services to help build a community of readers.

*️⃣ Last updated: February 2023

*️⃣ This course is designed for professionals in the United States, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand.

Course Instructor: Stephanie Chase and Kaite Stover Estimated completion...: 6 hours Course Level: Two

  • Welcome To The Course
  • Lesson One: Elements of a Strategic Plan
  • Elements of a Strategic Plan
  • Lesson Two: Rethinking Readers' Advisory Services
  • Rethinking Readers' Advisory Services
  • Lesson Three: Building & Advocating for Your Plan
  • Building & Advocating for Your Plan
  • Lesson Four: Training for Success
  • Training for Success
  • Lesson Five: Programming and Promotion
  • Programming and Promotion
  • Lesson Six: Budgeting & Pulling It All Together
  • Budgeting & Pulling It All Together
  • Complete the Survey
  • Course Feedback Survey
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed
  • Leads to a certificate with a duration: Forever