At NoveList, we believe that books and libraries have the power to transform lives.

NoveList has been working to help connect books, readers, and libraries for more than 25 years. Our experts have extensive library experience, so they know and understand the challenges your staff face. They will work directly with your staff to guide them in developing effective strategies and exciting ideas for inspiring your community of readers.

Interested in all the ways NoveList can help you connect to your readers? Learn more about our entire suite of products.

At NoveList, we believe that books and libraries have the power to transform lives.

NoveList has been working to help connect books, readers, and libraries for more than 25 years. Our experts have extensive library experience, so they know and understand the challenges your staff face. They will work directly with your staff to guide them in developing effective strategies and exciting ideas for inspiring your community of readers.

Interested in all the ways NoveList can help you connect to your readers? Learn more about our entire suite of products.

We've got an expert for your library needs.

Your staff is your library’s most valuable resource, and ongoing professional development keeps their skills sharp and relevant. We can help build the confidence and capacity they need to represent your library more effectively to readers, whether it’s at the desk, in the stacks, or through book displays, newsletters, and social media. Learn with NoveList interactive sessions are designed to help all staff, no matter their position, understand their role in connecting with readers and promoting the library. 

Our self-paced courses include lessons with resources and activities that make it fun, interactive, and beneficial for your day-to-day library work. They include assigned readings, videos, quizzes, and worksheets developed by instructors to help you learn and accomplish new skills at your own speed.

Our group training, available through institutional purchase, are a truly in-depth learning experience. Your staff will get the chance to ask questions, participate in discussions, and get feedback from trainers with library experience.

Meet Your Instructors

We are passionate about working alongside libraries to create better communities of readers.

Understanding librarianship is key to aligning our goals with yours. NoveList librarians are active members of the library profession, participating at every level from serving on ALA committees to volunteering at libraries. At Learn with NoveList, every course is carefully constructed by expert trainers with extensive library experience to ensure only the best learning outcome for you.

NoveList Experts

Angela Hursh

Angela Hursh is Manager of Library Engagement, Marketing, and Professional Development for NoveList. Her previous roles include marketing for the Public Library of Cincinnati and Hamilton County, and more than 20 years as an Emmy-award winning television news journalist. Angela teaches courses on effective and engaging library marketing.

April Mazza

April Mazza is a Learning Engagement Specialist at NoveList. She develops and teaches course curriculum for Learn with NoveList. April has previously worked in public, school, and special library settings and has experience as a book reviewer, book award committee member, and podcast producer and host.

Yaika Sabat

Yaika Sabat is Manager of Reader Services for NoveList. She comes from a background in public libraries. She is passionate about graphic novels and diverse representation in books and media. Yaika teaches courses focused on readers' advisory.

NoveList Advisors

Kaite Stover


Kaite Stover is the Director of Readers’ Services for the Kansas City Public Library. She is one of the founding members of LibraryReads. Katie is in her second year as an ALA Councilor and the co-editor of The Readers’ Advisory Handbook. Ever since she started working in libraries, starting in 1986, she has promoted library collections and services to help build a community of readers.

Stephanie Chase

Stephanie Chase is the Founding Principal of Constructive Disruption, the Executive Director of the Libraries of Eastern Oregon, a current Public Library Association Board of Directors member, and one of the founding members of LibraryReads. She has been working in libraries, mostly as a director, for more than 20 years, and had a long-time love for and focus on readers’ advisory.

Becky Spratford

Becky Spratford [MLIS] is a Readers' Advisor in Illinois specializing in serving patrons ages 13 and up. She trains library staff all over the world on how to match books with readers through the local public library. She runs the critically acclaimed RA training blog RA for All and is the author of The Reader’s Advisory Guide to Horror, Third Edition [ALA Editions, 2021]. You can follow Becky on Twitter @RAforAll.


Interested in learning more?

Contact us to discuss your library’s needs. We’ll put together a plan that is right for you. Fees are dependent on the number of hours of training provided and topics requested. Additional services can also be customized to your needs, so please ask about other ways we can help you.