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Crash Course in Narrative Nonfiction (Free) (312)

Do you have a go-to strategy for helping readers with Narrative Nonfiction? Narrative Nonfiction is a large category of books, and if you don’t read nonfiction widely, it can be hard to know where to start. A juicy biography? A detailed piece of science writing? Something funny? NoveList and LibraryReads will break down the wide variety of Narrative Nonfiction, why readers love it, and how to help both seasoned nonfiction and new nonfiction readers alike find the next book they will be talking about with family and friends.

Join as they cover: *️⃣ Why readers choose Narrative Nonfiction *️⃣ Classics, new titles/authors to watch, and trends to know  *️⃣ NoveList insider information on genre headings, appeal terms, and more *️⃣ How to help readers.

This course will take approximately 1 hour to complete.

Estimated completion...: 1 hour

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Completion rules
  • You must complete the units "Watch Crash Course in Narrative Nonfiction"
  • Leads to a certificate with a duration: Forever