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Crash Course in True Crime (Free) (311)

Do you have a go-to strategy for helping readers with True Crime? Whether your readers are fans of salacious, ripped-from-the-tabloids scandals or dramatic capers with nary a murder in sight, let NoveList and LibraryReads break down the best True Crime has to offer your readers. This session covers: *️⃣ Why readers choose True Crime *️⃣ History of the True Crime genre *️⃣ Classics, new titles/authors to watch, and trends to know *️⃣ Subgenres and crossovers *️⃣ NoveList insider information on genre headings, themes, appeal terms, and more This session was recorded in October 2021.

Estimated completion...: 1 hour

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  • See the slides for Crash Course in True Crime
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  • Crash Course Feedback Survey
Completion rules
  • You must complete the units "Watch Crash Course in True Crime"
  • Leads to a certificate with a duration: Forever